JP Hobby ER-120 12/6mm nose retract axle pin
Version 2 closes the doors when the gear is down while version 1 keep...
Version 2 closes the doors when the gear is down while version 1 keep...
Reference: JPH-EROLEB-005-SEB-AV(N)
Brand: JP Hobby
Electric Nose Retract ER-005 V2More resistant V2 version> Model Weight: until 6kg> Strut diameter: 10mm - Pin Diameter Size: 5mm> Angle: 90 degrees> Rotation direction: Inside (jack side)> Mounting: Low> Wheel: 45mm
Reference: JPH-EROLEB-005-SEB-AV/BH(M)
Brand: JP Hobby
Electric Main Retract ER-005 V2More resistant V2 Version> Model Weight: until 6kg> Struts diameter: 10mm> Mounting diameter: Pin 5mm> Angle: 2x 90 degrees> Rotation direction: 2x Inside (jack side)> Mouting: 2x Low> Wheels: 2x 50mm (with brakes)
Reference: JPH-EROLEB-005-SEB-AV
Brand: JP Hobby
Electric Retract ER-005 V2More resistant V2 version > Model Weight: until 6kg> Struts diameter: 10mm> Mounting Struts diameter: Pin 5mm> Angle: 3x 90 degrees> Rotation direction: 3x Inside (jack side)> Mounting: 3x Low (above of support)> Wheels: 2x 50mm (with brakes) + 1x 45mm
Reference: JPH-EROLEB-005-STR135/75(M)
Brand: JP Hobby
Electric Main Retract ER-005> Model Weight: until 6kg (7-8kg is possible)> Struts diameter: 13mm> Mounting diameter: 10mm - Pin Diameter Size: 5mm> Angle: 2x 90 degrees> Rotation direction: 2x Inside (jack side)> Mouting: 2x Low> Wheels: 2x 75mm
Reference: JPH-EROLEB-120-BH-PC9-1.84
Brand: JP Hobby
Electric Retract ER-120 (Black Horse PC-9 Pilatus 1.84m)> Model Weight: until 12kg> Struts diameter: 12mm (Main) - 13mm (Front)> Main Gear Angle: 2x 90 degrees> Nose Gear Angle: 1x 95 degrees> Rotation direction: 3x Inside (jack side)> Mounting: 3x Low> Wheels: 2x 75mm (with brakes) + 1x 65mm
Reference: JPH-EROLEB-120-EFL-T28
Brand: JP Hobby
Electric Retract ER-120 (E-Flite/FMS Carbon-Z T-28 1.98m)> Model Weight: until 12kg> Struts diameter: 12mm (Main) - 13mm (Nose)> Angle: 3x 90 degrees> Rotation direction: 3x Inside (jack side)> Mounting: 3x Low> Wheels: 2x 75mm (with brakes) + 1x 75mm
Reference: JPH-EROLEB-120-FW190 2.03(M)
Brand: JP Hobby
Electric Main Retract ER-120 (Seagull Focke Wulf FW-190 2.03m)> Model Weight: until 12kg> Struts length: 185mm> Struts diameter: 12mm> Mounting diameter: 12mm> Angle: 2x 84°> Rotation direction: 2x Inside (jack side)> Mounting: 2x Low> Wheels: 2x 89mm (3"1/2)
Reference: JPH-EROLEB-120-JSM-XCA
Brand: JP Hobby
Electric Retract ER-120> Model Weight: until 12kg> Struts diameter: 12mm (Main) - 13mm (Nose)> Mounting diameter: 12mm> Angle: 3x 90 degrees> Rotation direction: 3x Inside (jack side) > Mounting: 3x Low> Wheels: 2x 65mm (with brakes) + 1x 50mm
Reference: JPH-EROLEB-120-JUN-T27-20cc
Brand: JP Hobby
Electric Retract ER-120 (Juniaer T27 Tucano turboprop 20cc)> Model Weight: until 12kg> Struts diameter: 13mm> Mounting diameter: 12mm> Angle: 3x 90 degrees> Rotation direction: 3x Inside (jack side) > Mounting: 3x Low> Wheels: 2x 65mm (with brakes) + 1x 50mm
Reference: JPH-EROLEB-120-PH-TUC-30
Brand: JP Hobby
Electric Retract ER-120> Model Weight: until 12kg> Struts diameter: 12mm (Main) - 13mm (Front)> Angle: 3x 90 degrees> Rotation direction: 3x Inside (jack side)> Mounting: 3x Low> Wheels: 2x 75mm (with brakes) + 1x 65mm
Reference: JPH-EROLEB-120-TRC-F9F(N)
Brand: JP Hobby
Electric Nose Gear Retract ER-120> Model Weight: until 12kg> Strut diameter: 13mm> Angle: 90 degrees> Rotation direction: Outside (Opposite jack side)> Mounting: Low> Wheel: 1x 60mm
Reference: JPH-EROLEB-120-TRC-F9F(M)
Brand: JP Hobby
Electric Main Retract ER-120> Model Weight: until 12kg> Struts diameter: 12mm> Angle: 2x 90 degrees> Rotation direction: 2x Inside (jack side)> Mouting: 2x Low> Wheels: 2x 75mm (with brakes)
Reference: JPH-EROLEB-120-TRC-F9F
Brand: JP Hobby
Electric Retract ER-120 (TopRC F9F Cougar 1.5m)> Model Weight: until 12kg> Struts diameter: 12mm> Angle: 3x 90 degrees> Rotation direction: 2x Inside (jack side) - 1x Outside (opposite jack side)> Mounting: 3x Low> Wheels: 2x 75mm (with brakes) + 1x 60mm
Reference: JPH-EROLEB-120-VQ-PC7
Brand: JP Hobby
Electric Retract ER-120 (VQ Model PC-7)> Model Weight: until 12kg> Struts diameter: 12mm> Angle: 3x 90 degrees> Rotation direction: 3x Inside (jack side) > Mounting: 3x Low> Wheels: 2x 75mm (with brakes) + 1x 65mm
Reference: JPH-EROLEB-F4U-AJ-F4U-TAIL Large
Brand: JP Hobby
Electric Retract ER-150 (F4U Corsair 2.7m or P40)> Model Weight: until 20kg> Struts diameter: nc> Angle: 90°> Rotation direction: Inside (jack side)> Mounting: Vertical > Wheel: 55mm (tail wheel) (40 to 50 possible)
Reference: JPH-EROLEB-F4U-AJ-F4U-TAIL Small
Brand: JP Hobby
Electric Retract ER-150 (Aviation Jet Corsair or any other warbird)> Model Weight: until 20kg> Struts diameter: nc> Angle: 90°> Rotation direction: Inside (jack side)> Mounting: Vertical > Wheel: 50mm (plastic tyre)
Reference: JPH-EROLEB-150 F4U-10mm(M)
Brand: JP Hobby
Electric Retract ER-150 Corsair F4U/P40> Model Weight: until 20kg> Struts diameter: 18 mm> Struts diameter for mounting on retracts: 10mm> Angle: 2x 90°> Rotation direction: 2x Inside (jack side) and rotating 90°> Mounting: 2x Low> Wheels: 2x 95mm
Reference: JPH-EROLEB-150-AJ-F4U
Brand: JP Hobby
Electric Retract ER-150 (F4U Corsair 2.7m or P40)> Model Weight: until 20kg> Struts diameter: 18 mm> Mounting diameter: 10mm (main gear)> Angle: 90°> Main Gear Rotation direction: 2x Inside (jack side) and 90°> Tail Rotation direction: 1x Inside (jack side)> Mounting: 2x Low + 1x Vertical > Wheels: 2x 95mm + 1x 55mm (tail wheel) (40 to 50 possible)
Reference: JPH-EROLEB-150-JUN-T27-50cc
Brand: JP Hobby
Electric Retract ER-150 (Juniaer T27 Tucano 50cc)> Model Weight: until 20kg> Struts diameter: 18mm> Mounting diameter: 15mm> Angle: 2x 85 degrees + 1x 100 degrees> Rotation direction: 3x Inside (jack side) > Mounting: 3x Low> Wheels: 2x 86mm (with brakes) + 1x 75mm
Reference: JPH-EROLEB-150-JUN-T27-TP45
Brand: JP Hobby
Electric Retract ER-150 (Juniaer T27 Tucano turboprop 45)> Model Weight: until 20kg> Struts diameter: 18mm> Mounting diameter: 15mm> Angle: 2x 85 degrees + 1x 100 degrees> Rotation direction: 3x Inside (jack side) > Mounting: 3x Low> Wheels: 2x 95mm (with brakes) + 1x 82.5mm
Reference: JPH-EROLEB-150-SEB-PC21(15mm)
Brand: JP Hobby
Electric Retract ER-150SPC21> Model Weight: until 20kg> Struts diameter: 18mm> Mounting diameter: 13mm (main) - 15mm (front)> Angle: 3x 90 degrees> Rotation direction: 3x Outside (opposite jack side)> Mounting: 3x Low> Wheels: 2x 86mm (with brakes) + 1x 63mm
Reference: JPH-EROLEB-150-TOP-F6F(M)
Brand: JP Hobby
Electric Retract ER-150 Top Flite F6F 2.18m> Model Weight: until 20kg> Struts diameter: 16mm> Struts diameter for mounting on retracts: 15mm> Angle: 2x 90° + rotation 90°> Rotation direction: 2x Inside (jack side)> Mounting: 2x Low> Wheels: 2x 95mm
Reference: JPH-EROLEB-150-TOP-F6F
Brand: JP Hobby
Electric Retract ER-150 (Top Flite F6-F 2.18m)> Model weight: until 20kg> Struts diameter: 16mm (Main) - nc (Front) > Mounting diameter: 15mm (Main)> Angle: 2x 90 degrees +90°rotation - 1x specific> Rotation direction: 3x Inside (Jack side)> Mounting: 2x Low - 1x Vertical> Wheels: 2x 95mm + 1x 50mm
Reference: JPH-EROLEB-150-TRC-ZERO
Brand: JP Hobby
Electric Retract ER-150 Top RC ZERO> Model Weight: until 20kg> Struts diameter: 18 mm> Struts diameter for mounting on retracts: 15mm> Angle: 2x 90°> Rotation direction: 2x Inside (jack side)> Mounting: 2x Low> Wheels: 2x 115mm