JP Hobby ER-120 12/6mm nose retract axle pin
Version 2 closes the doors when the gear is down while version 1 keep...
Version 2 closes the doors when the gear is down while version 1 keep...
Brand: JP Hobby
Complete set of JP Hobby landing gear tailor-made to your dimensions. Nose gear or main bicycle or tricycle gear with electromagnetic brake system and gears and doors sequencer. Specific gear sets with different geometry or mechanism can also be requested.
Reference: JPH-EROLEB-005-SEB-AV(N)
Brand: JP Hobby
Electric Nose Retract ER-005 V2More resistant V2 version> Model Weight: until 6kg> Strut diameter: 10mm - Pin Diameter Size: 5mm> Angle: 90 degrees> Rotation direction: Inside (jack side)> Mounting: Low> Wheel: 45mm
Reference: JPH-EROLEB-005-SEB-AV/BH(M)
Brand: JP Hobby
Electric Main Retract ER-005 V2More resistant V2 Version> Model Weight: until 6kg> Struts diameter: 10mm> Mounting diameter: Pin 5mm> Angle: 2x 90 degrees> Rotation direction: 2x Inside (jack side)> Mouting: 2x Low> Wheels: 2x 50mm (with brakes)
Reference: JPH-EROLEB-005-SEB-AV
Brand: JP Hobby
Electric Retract ER-005 V2More resistant V2 version > Model Weight: until 6kg> Struts diameter: 10mm> Mounting Struts diameter: Pin 5mm> Angle: 3x 90 degrees> Rotation direction: 3x Inside (jack side)> Mounting: 3x Low (above of support)> Wheels: 2x 50mm (with brakes) + 1x 45mm
Reference: JPH-EROLEB-005-STR135/75(M)
Brand: JP Hobby
Electric Main Retract ER-005> Model Weight: until 6kg (7-8kg is possible)> Struts diameter: 13mm> Mounting diameter: 10mm - Pin Diameter Size: 5mm> Angle: 2x 90 degrees> Rotation direction: 2x Inside (jack side)> Mouting: 2x Low> Wheels: 2x 75mm
Reference: JPH-EROLEB-120-BH-PC9-1.84
Brand: JP Hobby
Electric Retract ER-120 (Black Horse PC-9 Pilatus 1.84m)> Model Weight: until 12kg> Struts diameter: 12mm (Main) - 13mm (Front)> Main Gear Angle: 2x 90 degrees> Nose Gear Angle: 1x 95 degrees> Rotation direction: 3x Inside (jack side)> Mounting: 3x Low> Wheels: 2x 75mm (with brakes) + 1x 65mm
Reference: JPH-EROLEB-120-EFL-T28
Brand: JP Hobby
Electric Retract ER-120 (E-Flite/FMS Carbon-Z T-28 1.98m)> Model Weight: until 12kg> Struts diameter: 12mm (Main) - 13mm (Nose)> Angle: 3x 90 degrees> Rotation direction: 3x Inside (jack side)> Mounting: 3x Low> Wheels: 2x 75mm (with brakes) + 1x 75mm
Reference: JPH-EROLEB-120-FW190 2.03(M)
Brand: JP Hobby
Electric Main Retract ER-120 (Seagull Focke Wulf FW-190 2.03m)> Model Weight: until 12kg> Struts length: 185mm> Struts diameter: 12mm> Mounting diameter: 12mm> Angle: 2x 84°> Rotation direction: 2x Inside (jack side)> Mounting: 2x Low> Wheels: 2x 89mm (3"1/2)
Reference: JPH-EROLEB-120-JSM-XCA
Brand: JP Hobby
Electric Retract ER-120> Model Weight: until 12kg> Struts diameter: 12mm (Main) - 13mm (Nose)> Mounting diameter: 12mm> Angle: 3x 90 degrees> Rotation direction: 3x Inside (jack side) > Mounting: 3x Low> Wheels: 2x 65mm (with brakes) + 1x 50mm
Reference: JPH-EROLEB-120-JUN-T27-20cc
Brand: JP Hobby
Electric Retract ER-120 (Juniaer T27 Tucano turboprop 20cc)> Model Weight: until 12kg> Struts diameter: 13mm> Mounting diameter: 12mm> Angle: 3x 90 degrees> Rotation direction: 3x Inside (jack side) > Mounting: 3x Low> Wheels: 2x 65mm (with brakes) + 1x 50mm
Reference: JPH-EROLEB-120-PH-TUC-30
Brand: JP Hobby
Electric Retract ER-120> Model Weight: until 12kg> Struts diameter: 12mm (Main) - 13mm (Front)> Angle: 3x 90 degrees> Rotation direction: 3x Inside (jack side)> Mounting: 3x Low> Wheels: 2x 75mm (with brakes) + 1x 65mm
Reference: JPH-EROLEB-120-TRC-F9F(N)
Brand: JP Hobby
Electric Nose Gear Retract ER-120> Model Weight: until 12kg> Strut diameter: 13mm> Angle: 90 degrees> Rotation direction: Outside (Opposite jack side)> Mounting: Low> Wheel: 1x 60mm
Reference: JPH-EROLEB-120-TRC-F9F(M)
Brand: JP Hobby
Electric Main Retract ER-120> Model Weight: until 12kg> Struts diameter: 12mm> Angle: 2x 90 degrees> Rotation direction: 2x Inside (jack side)> Mouting: 2x Low> Wheels: 2x 75mm (with brakes)
Reference: JPH-EROLEB-120-TRC-F9F
Brand: JP Hobby
Electric Retract ER-120 (TopRC F9F Cougar 1.5m)> Model Weight: until 12kg> Struts diameter: 12mm> Angle: 3x 90 degrees> Rotation direction: 2x Inside (jack side) - 1x Outside (opposite jack side)> Mounting: 3x Low> Wheels: 2x 75mm (with brakes) + 1x 60mm
Reference: JPH-EROLEB-120-VQ-PC7
Brand: JP Hobby
Electric Retract ER-120 (VQ Model PC-7)> Model Weight: until 12kg> Struts diameter: 12mm> Angle: 3x 90 degrees> Rotation direction: 3x Inside (jack side) > Mounting: 3x Low> Wheels: 2x 75mm (with brakes) + 1x 65mm
Reference: JPH-EROLEB-150 AJ Cors-tail-L(S)
Brand: JP Hobby
Electric Retract ER-150 (F4U Corsair 2.7m or P40)> Model Weight: until 20kg> Struts diameter: nc> Angle: 90°> Rotation direction: Inside (jack side)> Mounting: Vertical > Wheel: 55mm (tail wheel) (40 to 50 possible)
Reference: JPH-EROLEB-F4U-AJ-F4U-TAIL Small
Brand: JP Hobby
Electric Retract ER-150 (Aviation Jet Corsair or any other warbird)> Model Weight: until 20kg> Struts diameter: nc> Angle: 90°> Rotation direction: Inside (jack side)> Mounting: Vertical > Wheel: 50mm (plastic tyre)
Reference: JPH-EROLEB-150 F4U-10mm(M)
Brand: JP Hobby
Electric Retract ER-150 Corsair F4U/P40> Model Weight: until 20kg> Struts diameter: 18 mm> Struts diameter for mounting on retracts: 10mm> Angle: 2x 90°> Rotation direction: 2x Inside (jack side) and rotating 90°> Mounting: 2x Low> Wheels: 2x 95mm
Reference: JPH-EROLEB-150-AJ-F4U
Brand: JP Hobby
Electric Retract ER-150 (F4U Corsair 2.7m or P40)> Model Weight: until 20kg> Struts diameter: 18 mm> Mounting diameter: 10mm (main gear)> Angle: 90°> Main Gear Rotation direction: 2x Inside (jack side) and 90°> Tail Rotation direction: 1x Inside (jack side)> Mounting: 2x Low + 1x Vertical > Wheels: 2x 95mm + 1x 55mm (tail wheel) (40 to 50 possible)
Reference: JPH-EROLEB-150-JUN-T27-50cc
Brand: JP Hobby
Electric Retract ER-150 (Juniaer T27 Tucano 50cc)> Model Weight: until 20kg> Struts diameter: 18mm> Mounting diameter: 15mm> Angle: 2x 85 degrees + 1x 100 degrees> Rotation direction: 3x Inside (jack side) > Mounting: 3x Low> Wheels: 2x 86mm (with brakes) + 1x 75mm
Reference: JPH-EROLEB-150-JUN-T27-TP45
Brand: JP Hobby
Electric Retract ER-150 (Juniaer T27 Tucano turboprop 45)> Model Weight: until 20kg> Struts diameter: 18mm> Mounting diameter: 15mm> Angle: 2x 85 degrees + 1x 100 degrees> Rotation direction: 3x Inside (jack side) > Mounting: 3x Low> Wheels: 2x 95mm (with brakes) + 1x 82.5mm
Reference: JPH-EROLEB-150-SEB-PC21(15mm)
Brand: JP Hobby
Electric Retract ER-150SPC21> Model Weight: until 20kg> Struts diameter: 18mm> Mounting diameter: 13mm (main) - 15mm (front)> Angle: 3x 90 degrees> Rotation direction: 3x Outside (opposite jack side)> Mounting: 3x Low> Wheels: 2x 86mm (with brakes) + 1x 63mm
Reference: JPH-EROLEB-150 TRC-ZERO(M)
Brand: JP Hobby
Electric Retract ER-150 Top RC ZERO> Model Weight: until 20kg> Struts diameter: 18 mm> Struts diameter for mounting on retracts: 15mm> Angle: 2x 90°> Rotation direction: 2x Inside (jack side)> Mounting: 2x Low> Wheels: 2x 115mm
Reference: JPH-EROLEB-150-TRC-ZERO
Brand: JP Hobby
Electric Retract ER-150 (Top RC Zero)> Model weight: until 20kg> Struts diameter: 18mm (Main) - nc (Front) > Mounting diameter: 15mm (Main)> Angle: 2x 90 degrees - 1x specific> Rotation direction: 3x Inside (Jack side)> Mounting: 2x Low - 1x Vertical> Wheels: 2x 115mm + 1x 50mm